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Welcome to Kings Grant-Thalia Basketball!

Our youth basketball league is designed to teach fundamental skills and teamwork in a fun environment. Equal participation, sportsmanship, and teamwork is emphasized. Read on for more information!

Divisions & Ages:

We welcome Boys and Girls– ages 5-14Age Brackets are based on the player's age as of Sept 30, 2024  and include:

·      6U       Coed

·      8U       Girls and Boys divisions

·      10U     Girls and Boys divisions

·      12U     Girls and Boys divisions

·      14U     Girls* and Boys divisions

The Season: 

We host an eight-game basketball season.

·      Practice begins the first week of December

·      All 6U Coed Division practices and games are on Monday nights from 6:30-7:30

·      8U, 10U and 12U Boys and Girls play other teams in our league on Saturdays. 

·      14U Boys and Girls play teams from throughout the City of VB

·      Practices are held on weeknights as follows:

o   8U: 1 practice per week

o   10U: 1-2 practices per week (depending on availability)

o   12U-14U: 2 practices per week


·      6U, 8U and 10U games and practices will be at local elementary schools.

·      12U-14U practices will be in local elementary schools, with games being held at various locations in Virginia Beach.

·      12U-14U games are held at various public school locations in Virginia Beach


Below is a general timeframe for the season. These dates are subject to change.

·      Oct 1-15                    Early Bird Registration (Save $10)

·      Oct 16-Nov 1         Regular Registration

·      Oct 18                        National Basketball Day!!  Happy Birthday, Mr. Naismith

·      Nov 1-15                   Late Registration ($20 Late Fee)

·      Nov 15                       ABSOLUTE LAST DAY TO REGISTER!!!!!

·      Mid Nov                    Mandatory Coaches Meeting

·      Nov 23                       Player Assessments 8U boys, 10U & 12U boys and girls

·      Late Nov                    Mandatory City Coaches Meeting (14U only)

·      Dec 2-6                      Team practices begin

6U Planned Dates (weather permitting):  12/2, 12/9, 12/16, 1/6, 1/13, 2/3, 2/10, 2/24
8U -16U Planned Game Dates (weather permitting): 12/14, 1/11, 1/18, 1/25, 2/1, 2/8, 2/15 and 2/22


Register early and save money!

Your registration fee covers:

·      Uniform (jersey & shorts; jersey only for 6U)

·      Facilities, equipment and staff for practices and games

·      Certified professional referees

Fee Schedule 2024-2025:

·      6U - Registration $130

·     8U - 16U - Registration $150

·      Early Bird Registration (Oct 1 - 15): *Save $10*

·      Regular Registration (Oct 16 - 31): full price

·      Late Registration (Nov 1 - 15): *$20 late fee*


The Kings Grant Thalia Basketball League is a 100% Volunteer Run Organization! 

A core group of dedicated volunteers are here to see that we get the season off the ground, but we can't do it without you! Volunteers are needed to ensure this league's success.  We need coaches, league coordinators, gym supervisors, equipment managers (uniforms, balls, clocks, trophies, etc) and more! New to coaching or volunteering? No problem! We have training, experienced volunteers, and lots of resources to help you!

Basketball FAQs

Please see the Q&A below.  If your question is not answered, please email us at [email protected].

Q. What kind of time commitment does the basketball program require?

A. Games and practices typically last about an hour.

·      6U division practices and plays its games on Monday nights from 6:30-7:30.

·      8U teams have one practice and one game per week.

·      10U teams have one or two practices and one game per week.

·      12U-14U teams have two practices and one game per week.

Q: Can I request a practice night?

A. We understand that kids have multiple activities and may have an evening that they can not practice. We can not take special requests; however, if there is one night that absolutely wouldn’t work, please put that in the comments section when signing up. We will make every effort to accommodate but cannot make a guarantee.

Q:  Where do the practices take place?

A:  Practices generally are one hour in the following time slots: 6:30-7:30pm; 7:30-8:30pm; 8:30-9:30pm.  Practices take place at the following schools: Kings Grants ES, Kingston ES, Windsor Oaks ES, Lynnhaven ES, Thalia ES, Malibu ES, Pembroke ES and Pembroke Meadows ES. The early time slots are always prioritized for our youngest players.

Q:  When will I be notified about what team my child is on and when practices will be held?

A:  Practice for all teams begin the first week of December.  You should be notified within 72 hours of the assessment about your child’s team placement. The assessments will take place in late November. 6U players will be notified no later than one week prior to the first practice.

Q:  When will practices start?

A:  First week of December.

Q:  How are players assigned to teams?

A:  All boys in 8U, 10U, and 12U divisions are required to attend player assessments.  Girls in 10U, and 12U divisions will also have an assessment depending on the number of players that register.  Player assessments are not a tryout, but a way to assess skills to ensure every team has an even distribution of talent.  The skills-based assessment clinic will consist of a few simple drills and will assist the coaches in selecting balanced teams. There are no assessments for 8U girls, or the 6U Coed division.

Q:  When will games begin?

A: Games will begin with one game in December and the remaining through January and February

Q:  Can my child play on the same team with a friend?

A:  Players are assigned through the draft in an attempt to create balanced teams. The exception to this is for players in the 6U Coed division and 8U girls division; requests to be placed with a friend will be considered, but not guaranteed.

Q. Does my child need to attend the skills assessment?

A:  Yes = Your child is a girl in group 10U or 12U

Yes = Your child is a boy in 8U, 10U, or 12U

No = Your child is a girl in 8U

No = if your child is playing in the 6U or 14U

Q. Can siblings be assigned to the same team?

A.   Yes, if they are in the same division. Please make note of this request on both children's registration.

Q:  I would like to coach.  How do I get a team?

A:  Please choose: "I would like to coach" during the online signup process.  See the "Coaches Corner" tab on our website for more information. You can also email us.  If emailing, please let us know what age your child is or what age group you would like to coach. Coaches must take standard youth sports on-line training and pass a background check. 

Q. How high is the rim?

A: Rim heights are based on recommendations and standards of National youth sports organizations.

·      6U = 7 ft

·      8U = 8 ft

·      10U = 9 ft

·      U12> = 10 ft

Q. What size ball will my child need?


·      6U = 25.5 (Size 4)

·      8U = 27.5 (Size 5)

·      10U = 28.5 (Size 6)

·      12U = 28.5 (Size 6)

·        14U> = 28.5 (Girls), 29.5 (Boys)

Q. I would like to help out but do not want to coach.

A. There are many open positions available and would welcome any time you could give to your community organization. Some positions require a minimal time commitment. Opportunities include: gym supervisor coordinator, uniform coordinator, trophy coordinator, just to name a few.  No experience necessary. Simply email us and we'll welcome you aboard!

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