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Coaches Corner

So you want to be a KGLRA Coach... Thank you! 

KGLRA is an all-volunteer organization led by many passionate coaches and friends in the community.

STEP 1)  REGISTER AS A COACH.  If you have already registered a child, and you volunteered to coach, we have your information.  If you do not have a child in our league, please click here to register as a coach.

STEP 2)  APPLY FOR A COACHING BADGE.  To serve as a coach, a background check/screening is required of all volunteer coaches prior to participation in any Virginia Beach Parks and Recreation-sponsored programs. Please download and complete the following training and forms. If you have applied for and received a badge in the past, please make sure it is not expired!

Once you have completed your forms, submit the entire packed to the Sports Management office.
You may chose from :

Email: Scan and send to [email protected]
Fax: fax your packet to (757) 430-7402
Postal mail: place your packed in an envelope and mail to (may require extra postage):

 Department of Parks and Recreation
Sports Management Office
Princess Anne Athletic Complex
4001 Dam Neck Road
Virginia Beach, VA 23456

STEP 3)   EMAIL US at [email protected] and let us know you've submitted your paperwork! 


Kings Grant Sports: Home of Kings Grant Thalia Basketball League
Virginia Beach, Virginia 23452

Email: [email protected]

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